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Peter’s Take Charge Story

Peter from Take Charge

My name is Peter and I have been living here for a year. It is a nice house, I live with Ashley, Paul, Gloria, Donna, Rob and Mike. Before I lived here I was at 49 Cardiff Road with my sister.

I like watching Dr Who and I have a Doctor Who cap. I went on holiday to Tenby last year and I stayed in a house.

I went to Ty Gwyn School, I liked it there. I went swimming and they took me outside, I went on a roundabout.

I went to the Innovate barbeque last year

I have done some courses with Take Charge. My first course was a health and safety course, they gave us tea and biscuits. They taught me how to be safe in my house. It was my first time there and I met new people. I enjoyed doing the course.

I did a fire safety course as well, if there is a fire you have to get out. I learned about fire doors and alarms and what to do if there is a fire. I met some more new people. I would like to help the staff in the house checking if it is safe. I like helping people.

I did a confidence course with Arwen. We cut out pictures from magazines. I am a confident person. I enjoyed doing it.

I have enjoyed doing all of the courses. I like to learn new things. I would like to do some more courses with other people. I might like to learn more about computers. I have a laptop which my mum and my sister bought for me but I would like a new one now.