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Yoga at Innovate Trust


Since April 2022, we have been running Yoga Co-Assistant Training with thanks to funding from Glamorgan Voluntary Services. This has developed into a partnership with Echo Yoga, opening up the opportunity for individuals to take part in a Yoga Co-Assistant Project, available through in-person and online classes.

Yoga at Innovate Trust

About Yoga

Participants are allocated their own workbook to complete as their Yoga practice develops. The aim of this training is to allow individuals to have the confidence and skills to lead their own Yoga sessions in the future. In addition to our Yoga Co-Assistant Training, individuals continue to benefit from Yoga Classes that are delivered by Echo Yoga with assistance from co-assistants.

The Yoga Group is held weekly at Beddau Community Centre and is priced at £5 per person. Sessions include a range of breathing exercises, yoga games, and finishes with a relaxation session.

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