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Innovate Trust's values

Innovate Trust’s values are grounded in the power of community and the right for everyone live a fulfilling life.

Our values help us work together to build a more inclusive world where everyone has a place. 

We understand that everyone’s needs are unique, and we tailor our support to help people reach their goals.

Our vision

A world where everyone feels supported, valued, and empowered to live a fulfilling life.

Natalie and Mark using a microphone to speak to a crown of people at an Insight app demonstration event
Innovate Trust Support Worker and Supported Individual in a boat on the water

Our mission

For disabled people to live happy and independent lives in their communities, with the best kind of support.

Our values


We want everyone to feel welcome, respected, and to do the things they want.


We look for new ways to support people so they can do the things they love.


We help people to make their own choices and live the life they want.


We help people to find and understand the things they need to live a happy life.


We work with people and their communities for the best outcomes.

Innovate Trust project participants on a nature walk, one person is in a wheelchair

Values in practice

We put our values into practice by delivering person centred support, placing the person at the centre of decisions about their life.

We listen to what people want from their lives.

We support people to think about what they want now and in the future.

We work with people and their communities to make this happen.

A group of people with learning disabilities supported by Innovate Trust socialising in Bute Park

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