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Application tips

We want to help you get ready for work. Whether you have the confidence to get into work for the first time, progress in your career or after a career break.

Your application form is your opportunity to make a strong impression, so let us dive in and discover ways you can complete it successfully.

An Innovate Trust support worker and supported individual looking at each other. They are sat on the ground, leaning on a tree with their arms folded.

Tips for success

From providing accurate and detailed information to effectively showcasing your skills and experience, these tips will increase your chances of success.

First impressions count. This is your chance to let us know why you are the person we are looking for.

  • Read the job description and Person Specification carefully

  • Provide a short introduction as to why you want the role
  • Positive results are great to see. However, if things have not worked out, tell us what happened and how you resolved this
  • Use headings for each section. This allows you to have a clear structure and ensures that you have covered all the relevant criteria.


  • experience
  • skill set
  • attitude against the set criteria in the person’s specification
  • knowledge and understanding of the role and our organisation
  • Why you are interested in the role
  • What your understanding of the role is
  • Your experience and/or relevant transferable skills
  • Basic details about yourself and a more detailed explanation of your skills
  • Your qualifications and experience. Make sure to use examples where appropriate to evidence your ability to meet our requirements
  • Draw on your personal or professional experiences. Give us examples of when and how you have demonstrated the key criteria
  • Do not panic if you do not meet all the criteria. Imagine what you would do in a situation and put this in your application form

Check and recheck!

  • Read your application over to check for spelling and grammatical errors
  • Ask someone else to proofread your application
  • Photocopy or print your finished form so that you have a record of what you have written. You may need to refer back to what you have written at the interview stage
  • Keep your answers brief and to the point. You will make a stronger impression.

Try to avoid

  • Writing “See CV” We have given you an application form for a reason.
  • CVs must not replace any part of your application form. However, you can submit your CV as an additional document.
  • Don’t just use a cliché or buzzwords. Make sure you expand on your descriptions and points!

Ready to get started?

Remember, your application is your first impression, so make it count!

Put our application tips to use to showcase your skills and experience.