This project has come to an end.

Your Vote Matters
Funded by Welsh Government’s Democratic Engagement Grant, Your Vote Matters is a year-long pilot project to encourage political awareness amongst people with learning disabilities.
The project aims to educate participants about democracy, local and national government elections, and to boost voter registration and turnout amongst people with learning disabilities.

About Your Vote Matters
Your Vote Matters encourages political awareness and engagement amongst the people with learning disabilities that Innovate Trust supports with a series of fun and informative workshops, day trips, and activities about government, elections, and the voting process.
Sessions are held in-person and online on our Insight app to reach as many people as possible. Sessions are co-produced with the people that Innovate Trust supports.
The project also supports participants in creating voting Easy Read resources and videos to make sure that as many people as possible understand the importance of voting and how to register.
Project activities
Your Vote Matters will deliver 10 workshops covering the following topics:
- What is democracy?
- What does it mean to vote?
- Why should I care?
- The UK and Welsh Governments explained
- Local government explained
- Introducing the main political parties
- The importance of making your own decisions
- Understanding your voting rights
- Registering to vote
- How to vote
Throughout the project, we will organise one-off interactive sessions to bring these topics to life. Project participants will get the chance to visit important government buildings, meet local politicians and take part in their very own mock elections to name just a few!
Key findings
- 43 sessions delivered to 240 participants
- 19 of these sessions were delivered on the Insight app, Innovate Trust’s secure community app
- Online sessions enabled individuals from all over the UK (including North Wales and Scotland) to join the project
- 24 workshops and other events took place in person in accessible community facilities, the Senedd, and council offices across Cardiff, the Vale of Glamorgan, and Rhondda Cynon Taf
- 101 unique participants
- We worked with partners from Cardiff, the Vale of Glamorgan, and Rhondda Cynon Taf councils including:
- Elected officials
- Day centres
- Woodlands Special School
- Vale People First
- The Electoral Commission
- The Senedd.
Project feedback

I'm very proud of the different projects I have worked on with the Innovate Trust and I get to show family and friends my work when they visit too...I enjoy working with the team and feel more comfortable all the time
- Owen, Insight into Climate Action participant
Ongoing Skills and Wellbeing projects
Project funders