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Short Stay Respite

Our Short Stay Respite Service is a 4-bed service for adults with learning disabilities that provides support to individuals for short periods so that families and carers can have respite.

This can range from one night to a fortnight.

People with learning disabilities playing indoor sports while wearing vests to differentiate teams

About Short Stay Respite
at Innovate Trust

The main objective of our respite service is to allow rest for families and carers.

We also provide independence within a homely but holiday-themed environment for guests accessing the service.

Innovate Trust’s short stay respite service various activities that individuals would not usually have an opportunity to experience.

We work closely with guests and their families, ensuring we plan opportunities and activities to allow individuals to determine and achieve their maximum potential in personalised outcomes.

Innovate Trust support worker and individual with a learning disability laughing and clapping together

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