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Innovate Trust Employee Networks

Employee networks are voluntary groups that bring people together based on shared characteristics, backgrounds, or interests.

Our networks provide opportunities for people to connect, collaborate, and create positive change at Innovate Trust. Allies are also welcome to join network meetings.

Innovate Trust LGBTQIA plus Employee Network at Pride Cymru's parade. A group of Innovate Trust employees are holding up a banner with a rainbow background and Innovate Trust's logo in the middle

How do our employee networks work?

Our employee networks are open to all employees.

They are designed to promote a sense of community, provide support, and help us to remain an inclusive organisation and employer.

Networks, with the help of a senior management sponsor, feedback to Innovate Trust so that we can understand how we can support our employees in the best way and make lasting changes within our organisation.

What are employee networks?

In short? They are groups set up by our teams to be whatever they want them to be!

Some of our networks focus on peer support, some focus on training and awareness, and others focus on larger organisational change.

Our employees are responsible for running the networks and deciding which direction to take them.

Our existing employee networks

Innovate Trust's DNA employee network logo. Yellow writing with the letters DNA and a rainbow.

Definitions not Applicable (DNA)

The Definitions Not Applicable (DNA) Network is an inclusive network that values and recognises all forms of sexual and gender identity.

DNA aims to be a safe, inclusive, and diverse space providing peer-to-peer support, resources and information for further learning, and monthly meetings and catch ups with like-minded peers.

Innovate Trust Rhwydwaith Cymraeg logo. A green background with a white circle and an orange speech mark with the word Cymraeg in it.

Rhwydwaith Cymraeg/Welsh Language Network

The purpose of the Rhwydwaith Cymraeg is to develop the use of the Welsh Language at Innovate Trust, by promoting appropriate improvement/change within the organisation.

The Rhwydwaith Cymraeg meets quarterly to introduce new ways of working in the Welsh language, celebrate awareness days, and develop our Welsh language development plan.

Innovate Trust neurodiversity network logo. A purple background with a colourful infinity symbol in the middle

Neurodiversity network

Neurodiversity is a word used to explain the unique ways people’s brains work. While everyone’s brain develops similarly, no two brains function just alike.

Being neurodivergent means having a brain that works differently from the average neurotypical person.

Our neurodiversity network meets monthly to provide peer support and resources to our neurodivergent employees. The network is also involved in the celebration of Neurodiversity Celebration Week.

Menopause network

Our Menopause network is a peer support group that focuses on ways to ensure that the network and employees at Innovate Trust feel supported, whether they are experiencing their first symptoms of menopause, in perimenopause, or postmenopausal. 

The network provides resources and support for those experiencing menopause, whether that be naturally or induced. 

Innovate Trust Race and ethnicity network logo. A group of people in profile view.

Race-ethnicity network

The purpose of this network is to ensure employees from minority ethnic backgrounds feel included at Innovate Trust and to promote appropriate improvement/change within the organisation.

Members meet up to discuss Innovate Trust’s commitment to diversity, to review policies and procedures, and to implement changes. The network is also involved in the awareness raising that takes place during Race Equality Week.

Mental health and wellbeing network

Our Mental health and wellbeing network ensures that employees feel supported in terms of their mental health and wellbeing at Innovate Trust and promotes appropriate improvement/change within the organisation.

The network meet occasionally to discuss policies, procedures, awareness days, and resources available to our teams.